
Showing posts from July, 2018

Catholic Dads Podcast - Summer Movie Reviews

Summer is upon us and while Jeff is on vacation Chad enlists his oldest son, Evan, to join as a guest host to discuss some upcoming movies, the Expectometer, the potential flops and the criteria the Williams family uses to gauge “family friendliness.”

Catholic Dads Podcast 037 - The Talk

The Final Chapter in our Three-Part Series honoring the 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae, we discuss “The Talk” – that awkward conversation that we have with our kids about sex, and how its best that it comes from you instead of someone else. We frame the conversation in the context of St. John Paul the Great’s Theology of the Body. Christopher West: Theology of the Body Institute: TOB for Teens and Middle School Edition

Catholic Dads Podcast 036 - The Problem with Porn

Part 2 of a Series on Pope Paul VI’s prophetic encyclical Humanae Vitae, we discuss the problem with pornography, its spread that coincides with the acceptance of birth control, the long term effects that it can cause, and also some HOPE for those who are fighting the good fight. While we do not get into any detail you may want to consider this episode at least PG-13. Details discussed in this episode: Matt Fradd – Statistics on Infidelity: Young Adult Study on the use/acceptance of pornography:

Catholic Dads Podcast 035 - The NFP Episode

Pope Paul VI’s masterpiece encyclical Humanae Vitae turns 50 this month and in honor of this momentous occasion, we tackle a momentous topic: NFP. It’s a topic we’ve been talking about doing since the very beginning, but it took us 34 other episodes to build up the courage to do it. Have a listen for our sides of the story and… be merciful!